Alternative Assets in a Self-directed IRA or 401K

An Incredible Alternative Asset Summit- Here are some key takeaways and how they can directly apply to Self-Directing!

  • Veena Jetti – When vetting an investment sponsor (syndicator, fund manager), ask them about a failure or problem they’ve had on an investment/asset. If they don’t have one, they’re either not being transparent or they haven’t had enough experience in what they do to be investing with them. You want to hear about their struggle and how they handled it.
  • Chris Loeffler – The middle market of commercial real estate has tremendous opportunities. Smaller deals below $5M are taken by wealthy individuals and entrepreneurs, while large institutions take large deals over, say, $20-50M. This leaves a massive opportunity in the “middle market” of $5M to $20M as the buyer pool is limited.
  • Jonathan Morris – Banks are a business focused on their assets and revenues, they will be foreclosing if borrowers can’t pay and won’t be cutting deals as rates for commercial loans are resetting and rising. This is an opportunity for investors. Find bank officers (e.g., LinkedIn search) and get to know bankers who handle these troubled loans and assets. Search for bankers with REO and special services in their job titles.
  • John Shekarchi – Find the best pros in your market (real estate agents, mortgage officers, title agents/attorneys, home builders/contractors) and network with them as someone who can solve problems and come up with your funds or private money to make creative deals and transactions work.
  • Josh McCallen – Hospitality assets have been distressed by lack of bank lending/financing and covid restrictions but operators who can transform deeply discounted properties have significant upside (e.g., adding weddings and experiences to resorts to get rooms pre-booked and under contract over a year out).
  • Jamison Manwaring – Stock market investing is about beating the person on the other end of a trade and trying to be the smartest. Real estate investment success isn’t about being the smartest or beating someone else; it’s more determined by creativity and hard work on deals on properties and opportunities that are all unique.
  • Lisa Walker – Angel investing requires at least ten investment positions, as many will fail. At the same time, a couple can return a modest return, and you’re hoping that at least one investment brings a significant recovery that makes up for the failures.
  • Michael Bradley & Brandon Scott – Investor portfolios with alternative assets add more yield and less volatility than traditional stock/bond portfolios.

These are from memory and summarized. They’re 💯 but not exact quotes. Continued in comments. What were your takeaways?

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