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Directed IRA Learn Page

The #1 education source on self-directing your
IRAs and take control of your retirement™


A show dedicated to educating and informing self-directed IRA and 401(k) investors on strategies, investments, legal structures, tax rules, and pitfalls. Hosted by tax lawyers Mat Sorensen and Mark Kohler who are also co-founders of Directed IRA & Directed Trust Company.


Articles written on the subject of how you can self-direct your IRA. Read from the industry thought leaders and other contributors. Learn more about Directed IRA and how we help you take control of your retirement.


Watch multiple educational videos on how to self-direct your IRAs and solo 401(k)s. Learn the strategies that our clients have implemented to save for their retirement and invest in what they know.

FREE Quick Start Guides

Read the latest quick start guides on how to get started in the different investment types. Real Estate, IRA/LLC, Cryptocurrency, and many others. These are the most comprehensive guides in the industry.


Ep.91 Investing in Private Funds with your IRA

Ep.91 Investing in Private Funds with your IRA

Mat Sorensen and Mark Kohler outline how self-directed IRAs and solo 401(k)s can invest in private funds. These types of funds Including Hege Funds, Private Equity, Venture Capital, and Private Real Estate funds. Together they discuss the dos and don’ts of the most common fund types and how to use your Self-Directed IRA with one!

Ep. 90 Lending and Notes with your Self-Directed IRA & 401K

Ep. 90 Lending and Notes with your Self-Directed IRA & 401K

In today’s episode Mat and Mark discuss Lending and notes with your Self-Directed IRA and 401K. Real Estate is the top invested asset here at Directed IRA, and this is how you can take your retirement to the next level. Before investing your hard-earned savings or self-directed IRA into an “alternative” business or real estate investment of another, you need to ask hard questions to the person or company receiving your money. Here are some tips to keep you out of legal trouble and to help you avoid bad investments or structures

IRA/LLCs – IRA Ownership of LLCs

IRA/LLCs – IRA Ownership of LLCs

In the article, I outline the benefits of an IRA/LLC, how to properly set up an IRA/LLC, how the documents need to be restrictive over and above a standard LLC set-up, and discuss the cases where self-directed IRA owners have improperly operated the IRA/LLC.

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