UDIF or UBIT when Investing with a Syndication?

DWQA QuestionsCategory: FloridaUDIF or UBIT when Investing with a Syndication?
Debbie asked 2 years ago

I have a Self Directed IRA Mat helped me set up years ago.  I also have a Solo 401k.  I’m interested in investing in a Self Storage Syndication.   The Synidication has bank financing and funds collecred through investors like me. Will I be hit with UDFI or UBIT if I use either of these to invest?  They have financed some of the assets the Syndicate is purchasing?  Please explain as I’m getting mixed answers.  Thanks for all that you do!

Jeremy Boroff replied 2 years ago

Please answer this. I’m interested in the answer to this question too.

Chelsea replied 1 year ago

I too would like to know the answer to this. Does the tax only apply to the individual investor choosing their own real estate asset? Or if you are just a limited partner in a syndication does it not apply?