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Directed IRA Learn Page

The #1 education source on self-directing your
IRAs and take control of your retirement™


A show dedicated to educating and informing self-directed IRA and 401(k) investors on strategies, investments, legal structures, tax rules, and pitfalls. Hosted by tax lawyers Mat Sorensen and Mark Kohler who are also co-founders of Directed IRA & Directed Trust Company.


Articles written on the subject of how you can self-direct your IRA. Read from the industry thought leaders and other contributors. Learn more about Directed IRA and how we help you take control of your retirement.


Watch multiple educational videos on how to self-direct your IRAs and solo 401(k)s. Learn the strategies that our clients have implemented to save for their retirement and invest in what they know.

FREE Quick Start Guides

Read the latest quick start guides on how to get started in the different investment types. Real Estate, IRA/LLC, Cryptocurrency, and many others. These are the most comprehensive guides in the industry.


Ep.81 How much do you need in your IRA or 401k to retire?

Ep.81 How much do you need in your IRA or 401k to retire?

How much do you need in your IRA or 401k to retire? The Formula You Will Need.

Hosted by Mat Sorensen, bestselling author of The Self Directed IRA Handbook, and Aaron Halderman, COO of Directed IRA.

In this webinar, we will discuss:

  • Get clarity on your numbers.
  • Know how to create an actionable retirement plan.
  • Set yourself up for success in 2023.
Ep.80 Backdoor Roth IRA for 2023 and Beyond

Ep.80 Backdoor Roth IRA for 2023 and Beyond

Roth IRAs can be established and funded for high-income earners by using what is known as the “back door” Roth IRA contribution method. Many high-income earners believe that they can’t contribute to a Roth IRA because they make too much money and/or because they participate in a company 401k plan. Fortunately, this thinking is wrong. While direct contributions to a Roth IRA are limited to taxpayers with income in excess of $140,000 ($218,000 for married taxpayers, 2023), those whose income exceeds these amounts may make annual contributions to a non-deductible traditional IRA and then convert those amounts over to a Roth IRA.

EP. 79 Roth Conversions and Chunking Before Year End

EP. 79 Roth Conversions and Chunking Before Year End

Roth conversions remain popular as many fear that tax rates will only increase in the next few years, so why not convert now at lower tax rates and let the account grow and come out tax-free at retirement? Remember, if you have a traditional IRA or 401(k), then that money grows tax-deferred, but you pay tax on the money as it is drawn out at retirement. If you have traditional dollars where you obtained tax deductions for those contributions, you then have to pay tax on the amount you want to convert to Roth.

EP 78: How To Fund Your Deal with Other People’s IRAs

EP 78: How To Fund Your Deal with Other People’s IRAs

Hosted by Mat Sorensen, bestselling author of The Self Directed IRA Handbook, and Aaron Halderman, COO of Directed IRA With special guest Bill Predebon, Founder/President, Creative Solutions Investments, LLC  

Creative Solutions Investments, LLC, (CSI, LLC) is a Real Estate Investing Company, specializing in Fix and Flip short-term investments, creative financing, and creative investing strategies. Ultimately, long-term buy and hold strategies.

  • Funding your deals including joint ventures, partnerships, and capital investments secured by DOT, among others.
  • Using other people’s IRAs to invest in real estate and more.
  • Expanding your existing real estate business if you are a real estate broker or investor.

They also answered deal funding questions Live!

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