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Directed IRA Learn Page

The #1 education source on self-directing your
IRAs and take control of your retirement™


A show dedicated to educating and informing self-directed IRA and 401(k) investors on strategies, investments, legal structures, tax rules, and pitfalls. Hosted by tax lawyers Mat Sorensen and Mark Kohler who are also co-founders of Directed IRA & Directed Trust Company.


Articles written on the subject of how you can self-direct your IRA. Read from the industry thought leaders and other contributors. Learn more about Directed IRA and how we help you take control of your retirement.


Watch multiple educational videos on how to self-direct your IRAs and solo 401(k)s. Learn the strategies that our clients have implemented to save for their retirement and invest in what they know.

FREE Quick Start Guides

Read the latest quick start guides on how to get started in the different investment types. Real Estate, IRA/LLC, Cryptocurrency, and many others. These are the most comprehensive guides in the industry.


What is a Multi-Member IRA/LLC?

The Multi-Member IRA/LLC is the structure to use when you want to partner multiple accounts into one LLC to buy a particular asset or sets of assets. It can be a great option to partner with multiple accounts. What are the benefits, structures, concerns, and prohibited transaction rules you need to look out for?

Ellis Case Answers Important Questions About IRA/LLCs

Ellis Case Answers Important Questions About IRA/LLCs

Question 1: Can my IRA own substantially all of the ownership of an LLC? Question 2: Can my IRA/LLC pay a salary to me for serving as the manager of the IRA/LLC? The U.S. Tax Court issued an opinion in the case of Ellis v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo 2013-245 and answered...

IRA Ownership of an LLC: Self-Directed IRAs and IRA/LLCs

IRA Ownership of an LLC: Self-Directed IRAs and IRA/LLCs

There are numerous laws, cases, and regulations to consider in analyzing whether your IRA can own an LLC (commonly referred to as an “IRA/LLC” or a “checkbook control IRA”). Despite the complexity of the law, your IRA can own 100% of the ownership interest of an LLC...

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