My 2024 Roth Conversion:
Why I Ignored the Calculators

Thinking of investing for the long term, say 20 or 30 years? Roth conversion is the way to go, and in this video, I’ll explain why. Join me as I break down the ins and outs of converting an IRA to a Roth, and why sometimes ignoring the calculators can lead to better financial decisions.

Video Breakdown:

0:00 – Overview: A brief introduction to the topic and what to expect in the video.
0:37 – Convert IRA to Roth: Step-by-step guidance on how to convert your IRA to a Roth IRA.
3:50 – Why People in Their 60s and 70s Are Making More Income: Insights into why older generations are seeing increased income.
4:25 – The Calculator Matt Is Using to Convert: A look at the specific calculator I use for conversion calculations.
5:14 – Three Factors in the Calculator: Detailed explanation of the three critical factors considered in the conversion calculator.
10:15 – Another Lesson About Roth: Additional important information about Roth IRAs you need to know.
11:35 – Tips When Using the Conversion Calculator: Practical tips for effectively using the conversion calculator.
11:56 – Final Thoughts: Concluding remarks and final thoughts on Roth conversion.

Learn why Roth conversion is a smart move for long-term investment and gain valuable insights to help you make informed decisions about your financial future.

Watch the video now!

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