401K After tax money to a Roth IRA – 5 Year Rule

DWQA QuestionsCategory: California401K After tax money to a Roth IRA – 5 Year Rule
Joseph asked 2 years ago

Mark & Mat,
Love the show. Curious on this scenario:
I have a question in regards to the Roth IRA 5 year rule.
If you have a 401K that includes pretax & aftertax money (not roth) and you are rolling it over to the respective IRAs. When you roll the aftertax portion over to a new Roth IRA (opened this year) and not having any previous roth IRAs, Does the 5 year rule apply to when the Roth IRA was open or to when the aftertax contributions were made in the 401K? Essentially when can you pull that money out of the Roth IRA. For this scenario assume you are already 59 1/2.
Thank you!