Oil & Gas as a Side Hustle

DWQA QuestionsCategory: TexasOil & Gas as a Side Hustle
Keith Zellers asked 2 years ago

I’m investing in and Oil & Gas deal and learned that the revenue from the purchasers are considered normal income.  As such, if the investment is made through my personal LLC, shouldn’t I be able to contribute to my Solo K Roth as the employee an match to my Solo K as the employer.  And, if it makes enough, would I also have the opportunity to tax as and S-Corp to save FICA.  Do I have all this right?  For those looking for a side-hustle could it be as simple as setting up an LLC and investing in one of these deals?  Asking because family members and friends are wondering if this is legit so they can do the same.
-The tax deduction on the initial investment (100%) and 15% deduction on the income make this appealing.