Old 401K with both pre and after tax to roth

DWQA QuestionsCategory: AlaskaOld 401K with both pre and after tax to roth
Judy asked 2 years ago

Mat and Mark,
Thanks for the great info!  Podcasts and books are amazing.
     What is the best way to convert old 401K’s that have both pre-tax and after-tax monies into a Roth account?
     How will this transfer affect the withdrawal from the Roth in the future?  (will I need to wait 5 years?)
    Can I start the Roth account, and then turn it into a self-directed Roth (with an LLC) at a later point in time?
58 years old.  Semi retired.  Work part time/seasonal currently.  Alaska/north slope (no income tax).  Trying to convert to ROTH