IRA Ownership of an LLC: Self-Directed IRAs and IRA/LLCs

IRA Ownership of an LLC: Self-Directed IRAs and IRA/LLCs

There are numerous laws, cases, and regulations to consider in analyzing whether your IRA can own an LLC (commonly referred to as an “IRA/LLC” or a “checkbook control IRA”). Despite the complexity of the law, your IRA can own 100% of the ownership interest of an LLC,...
Can I Use a SEP IRA If I Have Employees?

Can I Use a SEP IRA If I Have Employees?

A SEP IRA is a powerful retirement account used by many self-employed persons and business owners. It is particularly attractive as you can contribute up to $56,000 into it annually. That’s in comparison to a Traditional IRA, where you can only contribute up to $6,000...