Back Door Roth IRA Rules and Steps

Back Door Roth IRA Rules and Steps

Roth IRAs can be established and funded for high-income earners by using what is known as the “back door” Roth IRA contribution method. Many high-income earners believe that they can’t contribute to a Roth IRA because they make too much money and/or because they...

What is a Multi-Member IRA/LLC?

The Multi-Member IRA/LLC is the structure to use when you want to partner multiple accounts into one LLC to buy a particular asset or sets of assets. It can be a great option to partner with multiple accounts. What are the benefits, structures, concerns, and...
Ellis Case Answers Important Questions About IRA/LLCs

Ellis Case Answers Important Questions About IRA/LLCs

Question 1: Can my IRA own substantially all of the ownership of an LLC? Question 2: Can my IRA/LLC pay a salary to me for serving as the manager of the IRA/LLC? The U.S. Tax Court issued an opinion in the case of Ellis v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo 2013-245 and answered...
IRA Ownership of an LLC: Self-Directed IRAs and IRA/LLCs

IRA Ownership of an LLC: Self-Directed IRAs and IRA/LLCs

There are numerous laws, cases, and regulations to consider in analyzing whether your IRA can own an LLC (commonly referred to as an “IRA/LLC” or a “checkbook control IRA”). Despite the complexity of the law, your IRA can own 100% of the ownership interest of an LLC...